Monday, August 16, 2010

Cocktail Recipe On Request

Over the weekend, I was the judge at a friend's Iron Mixologist birthday party.  Responsible for the secret ingredients which had to be incorporated into every cocktail made for the night that wanted to be in the prize-may-not-be-available competition, I chose blood oranges and hazelnut.

I opted to try drinks only through a straw, much like the way bartenders try cocktails before they serve them to customers.  This turned out to be a sensible move as I tasted cocktails that had (respectively) tabasco sauce, hot chilli pepper sauce, mint, cream, cranberry juice and even creme de cassis with barely a cocktail mixer in sight.  Some followed recipes, others were original on-the-fly creations.

About two hours into the party I decided to get behind the bar myself to experiment with the ingredients.  I have been asked to provide the recipes for the cocktails I concocted on the night but I do note that I have not named these cocktails.  Any ideas out there?  All recipes are for one drinker and approximate measurements.

Cocktail No.1: put ice in your cocktail mixer, then a shot of white peach liqueur (in this case we used Pallini Peachello) + a shot of vodka followed by a dash of blood orange juice (in this case the blood orange juice was fresh from the Collingwood Children's Farm market and so fulfilled the bartender's fresh juice requirement).  Wet martini glass rim with a blood orange slice, and cover rim with a mixture of ground hazelnut and sugar.  Shake cocktail mixer, strain and serve in glass for sipping.

Cocktail No.2: muddle together 2 slices of blood orange, 4 torn basil leaves (or mint), a little ground hazelnut and approx. 1 tsp caster sugar (or brown sugar).  Add 1 shot of Pimms No.1 followed by a good dash of lemonade.  Stir well, then serve over ice in a tall ball glass for sipping through a straw.

Have fun making cocktails!

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